‘Colleges Speeding Up Digital Transformation’

A Salesforce exec, in an October post hawking the company's software tools : In a matter of months, higher education institutions have had to reinvent themselves from physical hubs of learning to digital enablers of the student journey. And while no one knows exactly...

‘How to start your own preprint review community on PubPub’

From PubPub, the MIT open source platform: The community is still working on the processes, workflows, standards, and values that will support this emergent form of publishing. But that shouldn’t stop anyone who wants to explore these models from starting now. With...

‘AI is wrestling with a replication crisis’

MIT Technology Review, on the challenges to reproducibility in AI research: According to the 2020 State of AI report, [...] only 15% of AI studies share their code. Industry researchers are bigger offenders than those affiliated with universities. In particular, the...

‘A Plan S for Academic Books’

From SPARC Europe's summary of a recent gathering to discuss and inform the coming Plan S for books: With almost 75 attendees, this workshop focused on business models for OA books and brought together experts from the field before ending with a document sprint. The...