April 30, 2021
Ashley Jester, in a must-read in Commonplace: When a deal is struck that covers some or all of the APCs, that deal explicitly validates the idea that APCs are an appropriate part of the open access ecosystem. You are no longer arguing about whether or not individual...
April 22, 2021
Speaking of read-and-publish, here are my quoted thoughts at the end of Inside Higher Ed piece on the big Cambridge deal: One of the primary concerns about read-and-publish deals is that in the long term, the “barriers currently imposed on readers will be erected for...
April 22, 2021
Jennifer Frederick and the Ithaka S+R team, reporting on library budget cuts on The Scholarly Kitchen back in December: With so many US academic libraries facing cuts, some might be tempted to assume that the sector is bottoming out and will soon recover. To the...
April 9, 2021
Mahdi Khelfaoui and Yves Gingras, in a recent Journal of Scholarly Publishing article [paywalled, sadly]: In this article, we analyse a relatively recent commercial strategy used by large academic publishers to capitalize on the brand names of their most prestigious...
April 4, 2021
Peter McMahan and Daniel McFarland, in a just-published American Sociological Review article: By curating the published research in an area, [literature] reviews highlight certain connections between publications while obscuring others, dramatically simplifying a...