From the author bio of Mirela Roncevic's Commonplace article on European librarians' views on OA monographs:

Mirela Roncevic is a doctoral candidate at the University of Zagreb, where she has studied information and communication science, with a special focus on Open Access, open science, and open virtual libraries. She is Managing Director of No Shelf Required, a well-known web site which has followed the development of e-books and digital content in libraries since 2007.

The article reports on Roncevic's doctoral research:

The study focused exclusively on monographs (not journals) and on collaborative business models referred to as crowdfunding or cross-institutional global initiatives. Examples of such initiatives include (but are not limited to) Knowledge Unlatched,, and Reveal Digital. 

The Commonplace piece has some interesting findings. European librarians, for instance, don't seem hellbent on seeing "local benefit" to justify spending on OA-monograph schemes. But there's also a troubling omission in the article: Roncevic's employment at stealth for-profit Knowledge Unlatched goes unmentioned.

Roncevic's April 2021 piece appeared months before Wiley acquired Knowledge Unlatched—which had the virtue of removing the sheep's clothing. Then as now, the Commonplace's readers deserve disclosure of such ties.