I missed this when it [launched back in June](https://thesociologicalreview.org/announcements/news/welcome-to-our-new-open-acjcess-publishing-platform/):

> The Sociological Review, the home for critical sociological thinking and research in the UK and internationally for the past 113 years, has today (8 June 2021) launched an ambitious open-access publishing platform aimed at a broad and diverse global readership.

The [new platform](https://thesociologicalreview.org/) includes a new, open access [Magazine](https://www.thesociologicalreview.org/magazine/)—the latest is on [Film and Television.](https://thesociologicalreview.org/magazine/august-2021/). As a longstanding [journal](https://journals.sagepub.com/home/sor), *The Sociological Review* remains locked behind a paywall. But the journal is, without saying so, plainly laying the foundation for a transition to OA.