A pair of revealing anecdotes from [this *Insights* piece](https://insights.uksg.org/articles/10.1629/uksg.533/) on a two-book OA collaboration between the University of Liverpool's press and library. One of the authors (protected from shame as "Author B") turned in a final manuscript 50,000 words over the contracted limit:
> When questioned, Author B stated that they had assumed that, because the book was being published electronically, the word count would not matter. Despite having published open access material previously, Author B was not aware that electronic publications incurred the usual publishing costs, and specifically those relating to copyediting and typesetting.
The second [anecdote](https://insights.uksg.org/articles/10.1629/uksg.533/#): The Liverpool partners were alarmed to see that (unnamed) third-partly sellers of the books' print editions often stripped out the OA notice:
> Interestingly, even book suppliers to academic libraries are failing to include this important piece of metadata. Of the suppliers looked at as part of the project, only one included the information regarding the open status of the book.
A final tidbit: The [piece](https://insights.uksg.org/articles/10.1629/uksg.533/#) reveals that Liverpool University Press estimates book production costs of £8,500, inclusive of an "operational cost" of £6,000.