COPIM's Samuel Moore, in a new blog post that makes a substantive (as opposed to market-power) case for small-scale publishing:

Consider […] that publishing is a situated activity. It benefits from editorial care, community involvement and scholarly experimentation. Revenue-maximising economies of scale, upon which ‘bigger’ publishing are based, homogenise these elements, water down careful human expertise and standardise publishing through cookie-cutter production processes. This has led to the development of platformised publishing infrastructures that seek to remove human expertise where possible and automate all that goes into publishing an article. In contrast to this, small, community-led publishing is something to be valued primarily because it is embedded within the communities that produce scholarship, not abstracted from them. […] Bigness is not bad simply for market reasons, it also works against good — which is to say situated — publishing.

Also recommended: The "Scaling Small" journal article Moore recently published with fellow COPIM-inister Janneke Adema.