Janneke Adema and Sam Moore of the [Radical Open Access Collective](http://radicaloa.disruptivemedia.org.uk/), in an [Open Library of Humanities interview](https://www.openlibhums.org/news/278/):
> **OLH:** How does a radical approach to open access empower researchers in the Global South, and those outside of traditional institutional frameworks?
> **JA & SM:** We would rather emphasise the opposite: it is researchers in the Global South and those outside or on the fringes of institutions (so-called para-academics) that empower the open access movement and scholarly publishing more in general. Dominique Babini has for example [stressed](http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2013/10/23/global-south-open-access-initiatives/) that “the international community would do well to follow the examples of initiatives in Latin America, where open access is already the norm and where costs are shared among members of scholarly communities to ensure lasting impact”. In Latin America, Babini points out, the cost of publishing has always been an integral part of the cost of research, where it is universities and academic societies, not commercial publishers that predominantly publish journals and books. There is also the example of sustainable publishing platforms and models developed here, based on cost sharing, in opposition to the commercial enclosures APCs impose for example.
The whole interview is worth a read.